Starbucks Now Offers Legal Advice To Its Immigrant Employees

Starbucks is widely known for creating unprecedented opportunities for its employees like offering free and reduced-rate college classes and paying for employee housing in international branches. In its latest indicator of good will, the coffee chain is offering free legal advice concerning immigration to all full- and part-time employees.

Starbucks is partnering with the legal advisory firm Ernst & Young to "help navigate immigration issues and get answers in these uncertain times," according to a company-wide email acquired by CNN Money. The letter lists an email address to which all employees can direct questions about visas, their immigration status, and international travel in the wake of the President Trump's controversial travel ban.

"Our partners (employees) and their families have questions about travel and immigration status, so we wanted to provide them with a newly developed Immigration Advisory Program to meet their needs," a Starbucks spokesperson said in a statement.

This move comes just a week after Starbucks made a public promise to hire 10,000 refugees