The Champagne Bong Is Here And It's One Classy Contraption

What do you get when you mix the free-wielding spirit of your college party with the class and decadence of an adult shindig? Obviously a classy soiree where your party guests are drinking out of Chambongs.The Chambong is exactly what it sounds like: a product hybrid between a Champagne flute and a bong or water pipe. It's so simple, yet so ingenious. The result? A device that allows you to be both a party animal and a high class adult as you chug some très expensive bubbly.

Unfortunately, the 3,000-run first edition is already sold out, but the second limited-edition stock of the Chambong will be available within the next 10 days. You can get yours for just $25 a glass, which sounds pretty expensive for just one drinking device, but it apparently comes in a "limited edition deluxe packaging, surrounded by a custom cut foam mold." Who can resist that?

Here's the Chambong in action: