New Boozy Apps For Your Phone

Is there anything quite as intelligent as a phone that allows you to ask it questions, surf the Web, talk, and play a rousing game of Fruit Ninja — all at the same time? Equally as intelligent are the hundreds of thousands of apps that are available for download with the push of a button. Naturally, our favorite apps are the ones that have anything to do with boozing, and thankfully the purveyors of smartphone apps are happy to deliver.

Whether you have an Android, iPhone, or iPad, these apps are at your willing and thirsty fingertips any time. Want to impress guests at your next party? Whip out an app for quick recipe tips and recommendations on beer and cocktails, and have your guests thinking you're a walking boozy whiz kid.

Fair warning: these apps are all recent, but as we know, a new app or update is as common as breathing, so don't be alarmed if by the time you check out these apps for your phone, there is already an update to it to make it bigger and better than before. As Beyoncé would suggest, ain't nothing wrong with an upgrade.

Read on for some of the newest booze-centric apps for smartphones. Whether you're on the hunt for cocktail recipes, cool new beers and spirits, or a way to document your drunken antics, these apps are sure to give whole new value to your smartphone. Cheers, and happy app-ing!

— Sara Kay, The