How To Host A Fabulous New York Bridal Shower And Bachelorette Bash

A bride experiences an abundance of special moments, from when she says "yes!" to the final spin on the dance floor at the reception. The fittings, the speeches, and the kiss from Dad — they all rank high on the list, but there is a particular occasion though that is different from the others — a bridal shower.

Head to Alexandra's Bridal Shower!

This one day is when all the important women in a bride's life come together to fawn over her and share in the joy of the nearing big occasion. Now, to host a truly fabulous shower you have to channel the bride. Know her likes and her favorites, because they should all be incorporated into that one day.

Such was the story when I was asked to host a New York bridal shower for my best friend, Alexandra, a Washington, D.C. import but a true New York gal. So I set out to plan a really special fete, and in keeping with a bridal blue hue, everything was coordinated — the favors, the cupcakes, and the menu. It was a theme that was classic, timeless, and not to mention, pretty glamorous, like our bride-to-be.

With New York at our fingertips, the possibilities were endless — the best of the best of New York bakeries, caterers, and restaurants were included in this day.

So, if you're gearing up to host a bridal shower and bachelorette bash for a special friend or family, look to our guide for a little inspiration and a few helpful hints.