Halloween Food Ideas For Your Spooky Fête

Halloween food ideas can be challenging to come up with if you're not scrolling through Pinterest or watching a scary movie. If you're throwing a Halloween fête this year and need assistance with Halloween food ideas, have no fear: We're here to help jumpstart a spooky experience for your guests with three suggestions.

There are a few things that may already be in your refrigerator or pantry — grapes and apricot halves, for example — that can help you kick things off. Halloween food ideas are more successful when you consider texture, considering the fact that most parties are lowly lit. Here are a few tricks for you to try.

Ears of Those Who Don't Listen

When set on a platter, don't dried apricot halves look just like shriveled-up human ears? That's what happens when kids don't listen to their parents — or spouses don't pay attention to each other. Oh, and they taste good, too.

Eyeballs of Naughty Children

Just-washed grapes are slippery enough to pass as eyeballs, but when you peel their skins away and toss them with olive oil, things get a whole lot worse. Close your eyes and stick your hand in — it's just like human eyeballs, no?

Witches' Boogers

We're not sure why, but kids have a fascination with boogers. Indulge that childish obsession on Halloween by offering your guests witches' boogers (also known as green apple Jelly Bellies) served in a cut-crystal bowl. Open your mouth and close your eyes — you're indeed in for a big surprise.