Hidden Ingredients In Beer And More News

The Daily Meal brings you the biggest news from the food world.

Pok Pok Ny's Move: Andy Ricker's moving his flagship New York restaurant down the street in Brooklyn to a larger space. [NY Times]

Hidden Beer Ingredients: Yikes. Here's what is really in your beer: MSG, anti-freeze ingredient Propylene Glycol, and a product made from formaldehyde. [Food Babe]

Every McDonald's in the World: When you map out the 34,392 McDonald's in the world, America is obviously just a blob of yellow, with almost 14,000 stores. The next largest market? Japan, with 3,746 restaurants. [Guardian]

Food Waste Today: Let's look at the numbers of food waste, where we grow 27 percent more food per person than we did 50 years ago. The problem? Almost 8 percent of food is lost even before it hits a plate. [Visual.ly]