Anthony Bourdain Truly Loves Waffle House

During a visit to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Anthony Bourdain — seasoned traveler and soon-to-be proprietor of an international food hall in New York City — revealed his newfound love for the classic American breakfast chain known as Waffle House.

"This year you are going to Cuba, Borneo, Ethiopia, and other mysterious exotic places like Charleston, South Carolina," Colbert, a Charleston native, confirmed.

But while he made sure to enjoy the local staples, like hominy, shrimp, and Hoppin' John, none compared to the incredible mastery of Waffle House.

"More important than anything, I discovered the glories of the Waffle House," Bourdain said with reverence. "Talk about exotica — I had never been. It's apparently a place you can go no matter how wrecked and obnoxious you are, or how late at night, they are nice to you."

Colbert, who concedes that the chain deserves to be beloved, chimes in, "It really improves the food if it's 2 a.m. and you are hammered drunk."