Don't Panic! Chipotle Has No Plans To Stop Making Guacamole

Chipotle fans everywhere raced to spread the rumor that Chipotle may have to stop producing guacamole if current climate crises continue. Be still, my burrito-lovin' heart! Chipotle has vehemently denied the rumor that they will stop producing guacamole or any of their other products, stating that the panicked response has been a gross overreaction.

Chipotle representative Chris Arnold told The Daily Meal that the risk factors which were listed in their annual report do list climate changes affecting long-term availability of ingredients like avocado, but that this warning is actually routine for restaurant annual reports.

"Panera, McDonald's and Burger King have all had similar climate change references in their risk factor reports," said Arnold. "This is all pretty routine, and we've had this in our reports for the last five years."

The exact wording of the risk factor report says: "Increasing weather volatility or other long-term changes in global weather patterns, including any changes associated with global climate change, could have a significant impact on the price or availability of some of our ingredients. In the event of cost increases with respect to one or more of our raw ingredients, we may choose to temporarily suspend serving menu items, such as guacamole or one or more of our salsas, rather than paying the increased cost for the ingredients."