Raise A Glass To Justin Bieber, Jennifer Lawrence, And More

Cheers to... the last of Justin Bieber's teen years. Happy 19th birthday, Biebs! [Hollywood Life]

Cheers to... Ben Affleck for really sticking it to the Oscars and nabbing Best Picture. Also, for being real about his marriage to Jennifer Garner in his acceptance speech. [Entertainment Tonight]

Cheers to... Michelle Obama calling the backlash about her and the Oscars "not surprising" and standing up for herself. [USA Today]

Cheers to...  Anne Hathaway, because you know what? The girl deserved to win — and that's that. [The Atlantic]

Cheers to... Jennifer Lawrence for falling gracefully, giving the finger to a ballsy member of the press, and for practically getting picked up by Jack Nicholson all in one night at the Oscars. Hey, they don't call it Hollywood's biggest night for nothing. [Daily Caller]

Cheers to... Michael Sheen. Thanks for not wanting to settle down with Rachel McAdams, causing you two to break up. Now the entire world can eagerly await a Ryan Gosling reunion. PLEASE. [People]

Cheers to... Paris fashion — it just never, ever fails at being amazing. Lanvin, Balmain, Nina Ricci, and Rochas have killed it thus far, leaving glorious Karl Lagerfeld's Chanel, Celine, Hermès, Saint Laurent, and a few others left to wow us into silence even further.[The Cut]

Cheers to... dare we say it, the Harlem Shake phenomenon? Now, the Miami Heat has done their own rendition. [MiamiHeat]

Cheers to... the Warriors” Stephen Curry for scoring a whopping 54 points on the New York Knicks, making him the talk of the town.[MercuryNews]