The Best Fall Vegetable And Fruit Combinations For Juicing

We get that you're used to putting pumpkin in basically everything as soon as Labor Day has come and gone. (Have you gotten sick of the Pumpkin Spice Latte yet?) But as the seasons change, there are more than enough fall vegetables and fruits that deserve your attention this fall — and make for some delicious and healthy juices this season. 

Click here for the Best Fall Vegetable and Fruit Combinations for Juicing (Slideshow)

We're saying goodbye to the freshest berries, mangos, melons, and greens like spinach as summer fades, but fall ushers the prime season for some of our other favorite ingredients. Some of the best-tasting produce from fall, that's simple to add to your juicing routine? Apples (apple-picking season!), beets, Swiss chard, celery root, pears, and garlic. And obviously, the shining star of the juice world: kale. That's right, your all-star ingredient for juicing (and you know, eating) is in its peak season, because kale turns sweeter in cold weather. That's why mid-fall through spring is the optimal time to be eating, and drinking, kale in everything. (That's right, pumpkin, you've met your match). 

You're probably using many of these ingredients in your juices already, but now's the time to hit up the farmers' market for the freshest picks of the crop (and organic ones, obviously). Now, you can update some of your go-to juice recipes with the season's best ingredients. Other seasonal ingredients you can easily add to your juices this season? Says Joanna Chodorowska, a personal and sports nutrition coach, garlic is the perfect addition for a bit of immune-boosting kick. (After all, winter cold season isn't too far away.) "I usually use only one clove, but two if I feel a cold brewing," she says. "[It] usually knocks out anything I have!" She adds celery to her "ultimate" juice recipe if she wants some hydration (particularly good in the summer), and a handful of cranberries if she feels like switching up her juices. 

Thanks to some all-star juicers, we've rounded up some new and improved juice recipes that are perfect for fall — click ahead for the recipes