The Best Banana Bread Recipe

Banana bread is one of America's most beloved breakfast items. There are a lot of banana bread variations, many of which claim to be "the best," but we think we've found a winner with this Chocolate Chip Banana Bread.

This version of banana bread is made with Greek yogurt, giving the loaf an extra-soft, extra-moist texture. The use of pastry flour also contributes to this banana bread's cake-like texture; pastry flour has lower protein content than all-purpose flour, which means that you will develop less gluten as you mix the batter. As an added bonus, the recipe calls for whole-wheat pastry flour, which boosts the nutritional content of this delicious breakfast bread. You could easily substitute white flour if you prefer.

It's the chocolate chips, though, that make this banana bread the best — because isn't everything better with a little bit of chocolate? If you're looking for a more traditional banana bread, simply omit the chocolate chips or substitute chopped, toasted walnuts.

Click here for the Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Recipe.

Click here for more banana bread recipes.

Kristie Collado is The Daily Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.