Top Tailgating Wines

Are you ready for some football? Some Monday night parties? How about some Sunday afternoon bacchanalia?

Wait a minute, that's not how the song goes. But if you're like me, that might be how your life goes.

Football season is upon us and though I may protest that people spend far too much of their lives watching sports, it is a handy excuse to gather some friends and dig into a sumptuous feast. After a summer of lightweight dining, the start of football season is a perennial reminder that bigger, badder, bolder things are on the horizon! In order to celebrate this pivotal event, Kate Statton over at has put together some of her favorite tailgating snacks. Now let's see if we can't figure out the right game plan to pair them with some fine wines.

Click here for the Tailgating Wines Slideshow.

— Gregory Dal Piaz, Snooth