StormBreaker Brewing Bottles And Seasonal Beer Releases

StormBreaker Brewing Bottles

Less than a year old Stormbreaker Brewing is releasing their first beers in bottles next month and have a new Pumpkin seasonal to try out now. First releasing beer in January of 2014 Dan and Rob from StormBreaker quickly turned over the former Amnesia Brewing space on N. Mississippi to become a busy new full brewpub.

Pumpkin Pedaler

StormBreaker's first pumpkin beer – "Pumpkin Pedaler" is on tap now at their pub and from the description it sounds like a classic, if slightly strong (7.3% Abv), pumpkin ale. That gets the brewpub up to eleven of their own beers on tap, including new Fresh Hop releases like Don't Block the Driveway Fresh Hop Red, 1.21 Gigahops Fresh Hop Brown, and the StormToberfest.  They also have a new Baltic Porter in the works.

Winter Coat Label-02

StormBreaker's first bottling run in mid-November will be for their year round releases Dry Hopped Red and Kolsch and a debut of their Winter Warmer seasonal called Winter Coat.



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