Why It's Not A Great Idea To Purchase Ground Beef At Walmart
By Erin Metz
Walmart offers a wide variety of products at a reasonable price, but if you're looking to stock up on beef for your family, you should shop at other stores instead.
Walmart's ground beef products have a history of being low-quality with a surprisingly high price. On average, lean ground beef at Walmart can cost between $5 to $6 per pound.
Prices vary based on location, but if you shop at Costco for ground beef, you'll find that its Kirkland brand lean ground beef is priced at $5.20 per pound.
This very small price difference between the two stores is surprising, considering Kirkland has a reputation as a top-shelf choice for fresh-tasting products.
However, Costco isn't the only store that outranks Walmart's ground beef in more ways than one — it's been reported that Aldi also offers cheaper, higher-quality beef than Walmart.