Man sniffing a glass of wine in a wine cellar.
Why A More Expensive Wine Won't Necessarily Taste Better To You
By Jennifer Sweenie
A few factors determine the price point of a bottle of bold red or crisp white: the wine region, vineyard, and quality of grape; what the wine was fermented in and whether or not it involved oak; and how long the wine was aged. However, just because you picked an expensive bottle of wine doesn’t mean that it will taste better to you.
It's worth remembering wine is an industry-selling product that entails branding and marketing. A study published in the Journal of Wine Economics in 2008 concluded a lack of correlation between the overall rating of a bottle of wine and its price; in other words, a higher price does not always equal a higher quality wine.
Wines with higher price points also have more nuances that novice wine drinkers might not be able to pick up. Moreover, inexpensive wine usually has more residual sugar, so if you’re not a finicky wine drinker, you’ll likely gravitate to its taste as expensive wines without that higher residual sugar content may come across as bitter or boring to you.