A closeup of stuffed peppers in a cast iron pan.
What Makes Hungarian Stuffed Peppers Unique?
By Tom Maxwell
The concept of stuffing a bell pepper with ground meat, rice, and vegetables likely originated from Central and South America, but this delicious dish has spread across the globe.
One delicious variant is the Hungarian stuffed pepper known as töltött paprika. The ingredient that sets this particular recipe apart is Hungarian paprika.
Capsicum annum, the red pepper from which all paprika is made, came to Hungry sometime around the 16th century and flourished in the Hungarian climate.
Hungarian paprika can be sweet, hot, bright red, or pink — in fact, the country is responsible for producing seven different variations of the spice.
The kind of Hungarian paprika you're most likely to come by in the United States is a fulsome, sweet, vibrantly red-hued variety known as édesnemes.
The type of Hungarian paprika you choose is up to you, but once you've picked one to make Hungarian stuffed peppers, you'll want to top the dish with a dollop of sour cream, as well.