stack of broken pieces of chocolate
The Vegetables You Should Never Store Near Your Baking Chocolate
By Christina Garcia
Most people know that raw proteins should be kept in complete quarantine until cooking, but raw produce can create mini disasters too, even for chocolate.
The tell-tale sign of forbidden commingling hits home in the olfactory glands, and should you keep your chocolate near the onions, you might regret it later.
To make chocolate, cacao pods are cracked open and the seeds are fermented, dried, roasted, and milled to create a non-alcoholic liquor, which is mixed with sugar and milk solids.
The fat in the chocolate makes it extra susceptible to locking in nearby smells, especially strong ones like those found in onions and other related vegetables.
Chocolate has a milder flavor than onions, and its high-fat content guarantees that it will absorb nearby aromas if left nearby for a long enough period.
For that reason, garlic, shallots, leeks, stinky cheese, seafood, or any other malodorous emanations should be kept away from your precious bars of chocolate, too.