The Unexpected Meat You Need To Steer Clear Of Grilling At All Costs
By C.A. Pinkham
While it can seem like any cut of meat can be grilled, some just don’t work out so well on the grill. This includes brisket, which can’t break down properly when exposed to high heat.
While brisket smokes and braises beautifully, it doesn’t grill well due to the fact that it’s connective tissue, meaning it’s rich in collagen and other generally tough fibers.
Collagen-rich meat like brisket needs to be cooked slowly in order for the collagen to break down. On the grill, it’s exposed to high external heat, leading to a tough cut of meat.
This is why brisket is best braised or smoked. These low-and-slow cooking methods give the collagen enough time to break down and turn into delicious meat juice.
You should avoid grilling other lean cuts that may dry out, like filet mignon or pork chops. Also, avoid grilling bacon, as it requires direct or ambient heat to cook evenly.