A closeup of barbecue chicken on a portable grill.
The Trick For Getting Super Crispy Skin On BBQ Chicken
By Kuamel Stewart
When eating barbecue chicken, everyone loves crisp skin paired with tender, juicy meat, and to achieve this, you might want to change how you cook it.
Instead of cooking, flipping, and basting your barbecue chicken on a grill, simply opt for roasting the chicken in the oven and cooking the chicken and barbecue sauce separately.
Not only does cooking the chicken on its own result in much crispier chicken skin, but it also makes for a much more efficient cooking process.
When you roast barbecue chicken in the oven sans sauce, you allow the chicken to bake at a consistent medium heat temperature that cooks it evenly on all sides.
Using your oven will give you crispy chicken skin and also eliminate the need to constantly apply barbecue sauce, which interrupts the roasting process.