NEW YORK, NY - 2009:  A giant Hershey's chocolate bar billboard hangs above Times Square as seen in this 2009 New York, NY, early morning cityscape photo. (Photo by George Rose/Getty Images)
The Time Hershey's Chocolate Went To The Moon
By Nico Danilovich
Many food companies celebrated lunar landings back on Earth during the space race, but Hershey's got in on the fun by going out of this world. In addition to ​​its contemporary domination of the sweet treat industry, Hershey's has also made an astronomical amount of history.
Astronaut food evolved through the years from flavorless food consumed by straw to dehydrated and freeze-dried food coated with gelatin or oil, eventually leading to scoopable pouches of cold meals. Back in 1937, Hershey had invented a hard-to-melt chocolate bar as a wartime ration — which came to be known as the Tropical Chocolate Bar —and by the time of Apollo 15, NASA wanted to send it to space.
NASA gave its Apollo 15 astronauts a list of 100 approved foods they could choose from when planning their space meals. Some of the items included were beef steaks, burgers, and citrus drinks, and for dessert: a Tropical Hershey's Chocolate Bar that was guaranteed not to be melted from the heat of the rocket!