Oatmeal sweet pancakes with butter and caramel sauce in a plate. toning. selective focus
The Simple Trick For Getting Your Pancakes To Be As Crispy As Waffles
By Heather Newman
For a pancake with a crunchy outer shell like a waffle, you must make it candied. Maple syrup presents the perfect way to do this, since it's already a familiar breakfast taste.
After making your pancake as normal, return it to the skillet. Drizzle maple syrup over it, using about as much as you normally would at the table.
As the syrup cooks down, it creates a layer of crisp browned sugar on the outside. In addition, the inside of the pancake becomes chewy like old-fashioned maple syrup candy.
You can finish your pancake off with a sprinkle of sea salt. The result is a pancake that is soft and chewy in the center, with perfectly candied edges and a bit of crunch.
You can add toppings such as crushed pecans or walnuts across the top of the pancake as well, or even copy Belgian waffles and add a scoop of ice cream.