top view of sliced tri-tip
The Perfect Way To Grill Tri-Tip Steak Is By Using The 2-Zone Method
By C.A. Pinkham
Tri-tip is a triangular primal sirloin cut from the bottom of the cow's underbelly muscle. If you cook it correctly, its marbling and fat cap make for a juicy steak.
The best way to cook tri-tip is with the 2-zone method, using both sides of the grill to vary the temperatures. This gives the steak a good crust while keeping it tender and juicy.
The trick to the 2-zone method is to first sear the meat on both sides over the hotter side of the grill, then move it to the cooler side to cook it the rest of the way.
Grill it for about 10 minutes per pound of steak to give the marbled fat within it a chance to break down, making it as tender as possible.
You probably don't want to eat it past medium rare. Some cuts can handle more doneness, but tri-tip tends to toughen up. Aim for an internal temperature of 125 Fahrenheit.