Dough, Pizza, Bread, Yeast, Kneading, Pastry Dough,  Flour, Food and drink, kitchen, cooking, cuisine
The Most Important Rule To Remember When Defrosting Pizza Dough
By Chase Shustack
When making homemade pizza, there are many things you can and should do to ensure that even the cheapest of store-bought dough tastes great. Remembering key steps when you thaw your pizza dough will help give you a much better pizza — but you may wonder why it’s so important to thaw your dough the "right way."
When you think of dethawing something, you probably think about leaving it out until it's near room temperature, but this doesn’t work for pizza dough. If the dough gets too warm, the yeast in the dough will activate and thus "proof" the dough too early, so it’s important to keep it cool throughout the process, per MasterClass.
Pizza Oven Reviews says that while the dough is still in its wrapper or bag, you should “bathe” it in cold water in a bowl or container for one to two hours. This will help the dough to thaw slowly and also prevent it from getting warm too quickly, and you can tell the dough is ready by the presence of bubbles on the water's surface.