LONDON, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 06: Paul Hollywood attends the World Premiere of "The King's Man" at Cineworld Leicester Square on December 06, 2021 in London, England. (Photo by Samir Hussein/WireImage)
Paul Hollywood's Genius Trick
For Rolling
Dough Without
Sticky Hands
By Heidi Chaya
If you're a baker, you've probably encountered what Paul Hollywood calls "sticky hand syndrome."  All too often, dough clings to bakers' hands during the kneading process, but Hollywood's hack will help — and doesn't require a mess of flour everywhere.
Hollywood explains that when you're kneading dough, you can put oil on your work surface instead of flour, which won't change the texture of the dough but will reduce the so-called sticky hand syndrome. Cook's Illustrated suggests using vegetable oil, and the oil already put in the dough can be used, whether it's canola, olive, avocado, or even coconut oil.
This method is called an "oil slick," and it entails applying one tablespoon of oil to your workspace and rubbing it around with your hands (via Peter Reinhart's "Bakers Bible"). A degreaser or good dish soap to clean your hands afterward is recommended, and bakers should keep in mind that it may stain wooden surfaces.