How To Tell The Distinction Between Tough And Tender Cuts Of Meat
By Elias Nash
The key to meat mastery is understanding which cuts are tough and which are tender. Fortunately, there's a pretty simple rule that can help you determine which cut to use.
The most tender cut of beef is the tenderloin, which comes from the cow's back, where the muscles move very little. The further from the spine, the tougher the meat will be.
Tough cuts come from the animal's legs and shoulders, like the shank, hocks, chuck, round, and butt. It's important to look for the amount of fat in the cut and where it's located.
Small streaks of fat within the muscle, called marbling, enhance the tenderness and flavor of meat. Strips of thick fat between the muscles and around the edges can become rubbery.
You can also look for the size of the muscle fibers — tough cuts from hardworking muscles generally have thick bundles of fiber, while tender cuts have thin, barely visible fibers.