Jar of overnight oats topped with peanut butter, jelly, nuts, and chocolate chips
Hack Your Oatmeal For An Elevated PB&J Style Breakfast
By Nick Johnson
One of the healthiest breakfast foods is oatmeal, and while plain oatmeal is a relatively boring breakfast, there's a seemingly endless supply of different toppings to choose from across the sweet and salty spectrum. If you want to bring these two flavor profiles together, PB&J-style oatmeal is a tasty way to do just that.
The nostalgic combination of peanut butter and jelly is a familiar taste that is almost universally appealing, and adding peanut butter to your oats can improve the flavor while giving it an extra boost of protein. The jelly adds sweetness, but unlike a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, there is no specific recipe for making PB&J oatmeal.
There are many unique recipes for PB&J oatmeal, as Bon Appétit's recipe adds a bit of brown sugar to replicate bread's subtly sweet flavor and tops it with strawberry rhubarb jam. TikTok user @beaheaton tops her bowl with a fresh raspberry jam, while @tracesoats ups the nutritional profile of his oats by adding a scoop of protein powder.