Levitating ripe physalis or golden berry fruits on white background. File contains clipping paths.
Golden Berries: The Little-Known Superfood That Tastes Like Clementines And Cranberries
By David Tran
Although foods like salmon, avocados, kale, and blueberries have been deemed "superfoods" in the past, it seems like the superfood craze has been everywhere lately. The latest superfood on the scene has been all over TikTok, with user Refinery29 calling it "raisins and dried cranberries' hip younger sister."
Originating in parts of Peru, Chile, and the Andes Mountains, Golden berries are known to be tart and tangy, tasting like a combo of clementines and cranberries. These berries are about the size of cherry tomatoes and are lauded for their nutritional value as they're full of carotenoids (antioxidants that can prevent cell damage), fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin A, while low in sugar.
You can find fresh and dried golden berries in grocery stores like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, which can be paired with sweet and savory flavors in just about any recipe. While you can eat the berry whole, its tough texture may be off-putting, so you can blend golden berries into a smoothie, turn them into jam, make a sorbet, top oatmeal or ice cream with them, and much more.