In A Pickle, Food Saves The Day


It's no secret we need food to survive, but in these recent culinary-related cases food played an unusually vital role. 

Life-Saving Kebab: Last week, when a British man was stabbed in a take-out pizza and doner kebab shop, his first instinct was to reach for his kebab. James Hobbs, 37, used the sandwich to plug up the 5-inch gash in his throat while he waited for the authorities to arrive. It took 27 staples to seal the wound. 

Soup Ladle Vs. Tiger: On Saturday in a jungle in northern Malaysia, a woman used a wooden soup ladle to fight off a tiger that attacked her husband while he was squirrel-hunting. The man, Tambun Gediu, was hospitalized for leg and face wounds. 

Super Pizza Delivery Man: On Saturday, Papa John's delivery boy, Adam Looman, 20, set out to deliver a pizza in Grand Rapids, Mich. When he arrived at the customer's home, the family was in a state of emergency as the husband was stuck beneath a fallen tree branch in the yard. Looman assisted in freeing the man with the help of a friend who had come over with a chainsaw.

The Daily Byte is a regular column dedicated to covering interesting food news and trends across the country. Click here for previous columns.