Obama's Chosen Sandwich Causes Record Sales

May 16 was a big day for Taylor Gourmet on 14th Street NE in Washington, D.C. as President Obama swung by to grab a quick sandwich for himself and seven congressional leaders at the White house. Obama ordered himself the Spruce Street, which is a turkey hoagie topped with prosciutto, roasted red peppers, and provolone.

Ever since then, the Spruce Street turkey hoagie has been in high demand. On average, 21 Spruce Street sandwiches were ordered each day, and the number of orders has more than doubled. Taylor Gourmet's four locations are serving up about 53 of Obama's chosen turkey sandwich a day.

This rise in popularity is common to Washington, D.C. eateries after a visit from a high-ranking politician. Reservations spiked at Boundary Road after the restaurant hosted a campaign event featuring President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama. I suppose everyone wants to eat like the president.