New York City Graveyard To Offer Tour Of Culinary Greats

Before you get creeped out, consider who's buried six feet below in Woodlawn Cemetery: famed bartender Jerry P. Thomas, hot dog legend Herman Ossian Armour, Pepperidge Farm founder Margaret Rudkin, and condensed milk founder Gail Borden. That's why the Bronx cemetery is hoping to cash in on the historical significance of its, erm, residents, and their contributions to the food world.

Starting April 15, Woodlawn Cemetery will offer "food tours" of the grounds and the famous food innovators there. The Wall Street Journal reports that the cemetery began to look into its foodie scene after volunteers discovered the graves of famous cookbook authors; Herbert Kinsley, the author of One Hundred Recipes for the Chafing Dish, and Charles Ranhofer, the author of The Epicurean.

Some of the other gourmands buried in the grounds: Placido Mori, owner of Mori's restaurant on Bleecker Street, August Lüchow of Luchow's Restaurant, and brewer George Ehret of Hell Gate Brewery. Tickets range from $10 to $15 and tours begin this Sunday.