This Is Why Chocolate Cake Is The Next Big Breakfast Trend

The next time you feel guilty about indulging in chocolate chip pancakes or a pain au chocolat for breakfast, remember this tip: Eating chocolate in the morning can actually be good for you, at least according to one health professional.

"There was a study that recently came out from Syracuse University re-touting the benefits of dark chocolate, specifically on cognitive function — abstract reasoning, memory, focus," Liz Moskow, culinary director at Sterling-Rice Group, told Food Business News. "The thought was eating chocolate prepares you more for your workday, so what better day part to incorporate dark chocolate into your meal than breakfast?"

This research was also reinforced by a study from Tel Aviv University that suggested eating dessert at breakfast would support weight loss, Food Business News detailed.

Moskow predicted chocolate cake and other desserts would make their way onto breakfast and brunch menus nationwide.

To help get you started, here's the ultimate chocolate brunch menu.