There's A New Cancer Alert Out There: Eating Steak Once A Week Increases Your Risk By 40 Percent

Just as the "bacon causes cancer" panic has begun to settle down, another study has come out with the intention to make people rethink their carnivorous lifestyle choices.Researchers at Oxford University have found that eating just one 10-ounce steak once a week could increase your risks for bowel cancer by around 40 percent, and eating just two portions (that's five ounces per week) of red meat could increase your cancer odds by about 20 percent.

To put that in perspective: A quarter-pounder burger is nearly three times the recommended World Health Organization portion size for red meat.

The study, which examined the eating habits and health consequences of 500,000 middle-aged men and women, was one of the largest ever undertaken to determine the connection between eating red meat and health detriments, according to The Daily Mail.

The new study comes on the heels of the World Health Organization's cancer committee classifying processed meats as level one carcinogens (along with cigarettes and asbestos), and red meat as a probable carcinogen.