Eating Grana Padano Cheese May Help Lower Blood Pressure

We knew that dry, crumbly cheeses were good for the soul, but did you know they could actually help curb your blood pressure?A new study from researchers from the Guglielmo da Saliceto Hospital and Catholic University of Piacenza in Italy have concluded that Grana Padano cheese (similar to Parmigiano-Reggiano) actually lowers your blood pressure.

"The effects are similar to what you would expect with antihypertensive medications," said lead author Dr. Giuseppe Crippa, according to Tech Times. "Adding a little Grana Padano to a healthy diet may provide clinically significant blood pressure lowering benefits."

But don't go crazy with the Italian cheese platters: Just one serving of Grana Padano should do the trick to keep your hypertension at bay. The randomized trial tested 30 adults prone to high blood pressure and found that eating one ounce of the cheese every day lowered blood pressure to a moderate degree. Further research with a larger sample size is needed to confirm the results.