John Kasich Vehemently Defends Eating Pizza With A Fork To Seth Meyers

John Kasich committed a food cardinal sin last week when he visited possible constituents in New York, and proceeded to eat pizza with a knife and fork. The horrific incident was captured and analyzed by eagle-eyed social media users and Kasich was forced to defend himself immediately, saying the pizza was too hot to fold and eat with his hands.

Last night Kasich elaborated on the snafu on Late Night With Seth Meyers.

"You heard about the pizza, right?" Kasich said, bringing up the issue before Meyers could even dig in himself. "It was so hot and I made a terrible mistake. I picked up a fork. Well it was so hot... When I was in college I had 15 roommates. You think we waited for the pizza to cool? There'd be no pizza left."

Is this someone you want in the White House? Watch the entire exchange below: