How To Eat Like A Superhero: The Diets Of Pratt, Hemsworth, Evans Revealed

If you've ever seen the Avengers, Thor, or any one of the Iron Man films, you'll note that each of the costumed do-gooders is impressively buff and toned, but that's not the CGI you're seeing.

Hollywood actors like Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr., and Chris Evans work hard to achieve their chiseled look, but it's more than workouts. Just ask their trainer, Dr. Philip Goglia, founder of Performance Fitness Concepts, who revealed the "Superhero Diet" in an interview with Men's Journal.

The main strategy might seem obvious: Lose the sugar, carbs, and alcohol, and make sure to eat your meal with the most calories early on in the day. Drink plenty of water — more than you think you should drink. The difficult part is the discipline, and making sure not to lose too much weight, Goglia says.

"I find the most common problem when looking over the diets of these guys is they're all under-eating," Goglia told the magazine. "You start to learn that as long as you're burning a good amount, the more you eat, the more you're going to lose."

Here's an example of a real life daily meal plan for Chris Pratt, who played Starlord in Guardians of the Galaxy. See the full list over at Men's Journal.

Meal 1

3 eggs

1 cup of oatmeal

1 serving fruit

Meal 2

1 serving fruit

Meal 3

8 oz chicken breast

1 yam or 1 cup of rice or 1 sweet potato