The Gluten-Free Museum: Blog Removes Wheat Products From Classic Paintings

Anyone who's anyone knows that these days it's hip to be anti-bread and pasta. You can barely walk around the corner without bumping into a gluten-free restaurant or hordes of wheat-free grocery products. But classical artists didn't do paleo. They loaded their oil paintings up with loaves of bread and fields of wheat like it was nobody's business.

Luckily, the Gluten-Free Museum blog is here to tweak art museum staples to conform to the popular diet trends of 2015. The Tumblr blog cheekily erases all wheat-based products from classic paintings, leaving us with a Salvador Dali still life minus the bread rolls, an Andy Warhol self-portrait without the iconic fast food burger and ketchup off to his left, and even the famous Bella Note scene from Lady and the Tramp sans pasta (the pups look disappointed at the lack of spaghetti).

We've included some of our favorite work from the blog, or you can check it out for yourself.