The Weird New Hamburglar Stars In Some Weird New Video Spots

In his first new video clip for McDonald's, the newly adult Hamburglar is featured placating his nagging wife and lying about his whereabouts.

Based on the conversation they have about candles and cake, it would appear that he's supposed to be out getting supplies for someone's birthday at "the party store."

Instead, he's at McDonald's "grabbing Sirloin Third Pound Burgers while keeping his identity under wraps via a call back to his family in the suburbs," according to a McDonald's spokesperson.

In the second clip, the Hamburglar is at an "undisclosed location" in front of the Statue of Liberty, again praising the Sirloin Third Pound Burger. Despite attempting a career in burglary, he apparently sees no reason not to film himself.

If by this point you desperately miss the old Hamburglar and long for his return, you're not alone. Plus, the actor McDonald's hired is probably looking forward to the day he can stop playing a man who needs to steal food for his family.
