New York Fast Food Franchises May Sue Over $15 Minimum Wage Bill

Yesterday, restaurant workers across the state celebrated the next step in the implementation of a $15 minimum wage for fast food employees. But not everyone is happy with the new minimum wage plan, which would give large franchises in New York City just three years to increase their employees' salaries by $6.25.If the law officially passes, franchise owners are considering a class-action lawsuit against Gov. Cuomo and New York State. According to NBC, franchise owners like Jack Bert, who owns seven McDonald's locations, feel that the new law is unfair because it does not apply to retail workers.

"Singling out fast food restaurants while ignoring other industries that hire workers who are paid under $15 is unfair and discriminatory, harms New York workers, and puts some New York businesses — including mine and my fellow New York McDonald's franchisees — at a competitive disadvantage," Bert told NBC.

According to Gov. Cuomo, the fast food industry was targeted because they employ more minimum wage workers than any other industry and are backed by multi-billion dollar corporations like McDonald's and Burger King.

The $15 minimum wage laws in both Seattle and Los Angeles are universal, and not just applied to fast food workers.