New Whole Foods 365 Stores Might Feature Tattoo Parlors

Multitasking and saving time is key for many people, but is a tattoo parlor in a grocery store taking a step too far? For its new 365 chain, which is meant to appeal to younger shoppers on a budget, Whole Foods Market Inc. is recruiting independent businesses to set up shop in its stores, according to Bloomberg. The program is called 'Friends of 365.'

On the program website, it states, "We want to partner with startups as well as established brands across a variety of categories to help enhance the 365 experience. We're looking for Friends with a strong offering and personality that can stand out in our space." Businesses can range from food and drinks, fashion, body care products and services, and even a record shop or tattoo parlor. 

The first 365 by Whole Foods Market is set to open in May in Los Angeles. Stores in Oregon and Washington are also set to open this year.

Whole Foods Market Inc. co-chief executive officer Walter Robb says, "There's a number of smaller-store competitors out there that are doing a nice job. We don't see any reason why we can't go participate in that part of the market as well with our 365 by Whole Foods offer — it's going to be unique."