Man Takes A Break From His Own Proposal To Stop Robbery Attempt At Restaurant

Nicholas Anderson, a North Carolina man who says he was "in the right place at the right time," managed to pause his own proposal to his girlfriend to stop an attempted robbery in the restaurant where the couple was dining.

Anderson, who was interviewed by WCNC, an NBC affiliate, did not make it clear whether the burglar actually managed to take money from the register, but told the station that he intervened as soon as the robber tried to escape.

"The manager came to the door and locked the door," he said. "The guy behind the manager pushed him out of the way and unlocked the door." Anderson managed to grab the robber and pull him back into the restaurant, subduing him with a chokehold until the man passed out.

"It happened really quick. He knew how to handle the situation," said Deanna Deal, his admiring girlfriend (for a few more minutes).

After all the excitement, Anderson chose to propose at a nearby park instead, and Deal accepted. "After all that happened, asking her to marry me wasn't near as bad," Anderson said.