KFC Is Sending Fried Chicken Into Outer Space

Space: the final fried-tier. KFC is boldly going where no sandwich has gone before by sending their new spicy Zinger chicken sandwich into outer space, courtesy of World View, a high-altitude space balloon company. The multi-day mission will be the first-ever for the World View Stratollite flight system. The launch window opens on June 29.

"We're excited to be the ones pushing spicy, crispy chicken sandwich space travel forward," said Kevin Hochman, KFC U.S. president in a statement "But in all seriousness, we're proud to support World View's commitment to advancing space research and trust them to take our world famous Zinger sandwich to space."

Sending fried chicken is only the first step (though it is a delicious one!): World View expects that its Stratollites to serve as Wi-Fi satellites for rural areas around the globe with no access to the Internet. Future missions could serve as weather predictors or aid disaster preparedness with state-of-the-art altitude technology.

This sandwich is out of this world, but check out these unique KFC meals from around the world.

Upated June 28, 2017 to reflect the rescheduled launch date, which is subject to change under weather conditions and other considerations.