Facebook's Safety Check Feature Now Helps You Find Food In Emergency Situations

Facebook is not just for catching up with friends and posting vacation pictures anymore. The social media network has launched a new feature to accompany its safety check tool called Community Help. You may have seen friends "check in" that they were safe after a natural disaster or terrorist attack. Now that feature has been expanded to connect people in a crisis to emergency services and food/water supplies.

"Hopefully there are far fewer crises in 2017 than there have been in the past," Preethi Chethan, product designer at Facebook, told The Telegraph. "But if something does happen, we hope this product can help make a difference in people's lives."

The feature is available in six countries including the United States, the UK, and India, and will be expanding soon. Once turned on in area, it will remain active for 60 days to help people connect and find the help they need.