College Student Eats In-N-Out Every Day For 30 Days

In-N-Out fan Dustin Wang takes his love for the chain to the extreme with a self-imposed eating challenge. Wang's In-N-Out diet requires him to eat at least one In-N-Out meal per day, which must consist of at least a two-patty burger with an order of French fries, for 30 days straight with no breaks in between. 

When asked why he decided to take on the challenge, Wang says, "I really love In-N-Out, so why not eat it for 30 days? I don't think it'll be too much of a challenge." Wang documented his journey, and a full recap has been posted on OC Native.

On Day 1, Wang is in high spirits. He says, "Starting off the first day with a bang with my first 4×4! The 4×4 is delicious! It's like double the 'Double Double,' making it quadruply good." And by Day 3, he is still going strong. "Feeling pretty good. Ran two miles this morning. Protein style is a bit messy to eat, but definitely feels lighter compared to a regular bun. Fries are still fries, delicious."

Day five is when things start to take a turn, and Wang reports sluggishness. On Day 8, he says, "Today sucks. Definitely don't want In-N-Out right now." By Day 29 Wang is ready to start a juice cleanse after the challenge ends. He says, "As a survivor, I can tell you that fries are the hardest part of this challenge."

Post-challenge, Wang says, "[I feel] AMAZING. I definitely don't think I'll be able to eat In-N-Out for a good while... I will say, although In-N-Out is delicious every once in a while and it's a high quality product, I would not eat it for a month straight again. Please don't try this at home, kids."