Ad Agency Serves 'Donald Trump's BS' In Portland, Ore. Food Truck

This past weekend, advertising agency Wieden + Kennedy weighed in on the coming election with a "Donald Trump's BS" food truck serving "baloney" sandwiches with fact-checked wrappers of some of Trump's infamous comments.

The food truck was parked in the Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland, Oregon, on Friday and Saturday. Donald Trump's BS came equipped with a concierge to take orders, a chef to make the sandwiches, and menus printed on gold paper.

"We've debunked some of Donald Trump's remarks on eight custom designed sandwich wrappers, across five different types of — you guessed it — baloney sandwiches," the agency told Adweek.

Sandwich names included Working-Class Hero, Middle-Class Hero, America-First Hero, Border-Security Hero, and Tell-It-Like-It-Is Hero.

It's not the first time the agency has spoken out about political issues, having previously endorsed a book written by its employees advocating increased gun control after the Orlando nightclub shootings.

"We pride ourselves on being a place where we can be our true selves regardless of our beliefs and backgrounds. That applies to political affiliation," a Wieden + Kennedy spokesperson told MUNCHIES.