Someone Stole Money From Honest Tea's National Honesty Index Social Experiment

Recently, Honest Tea set out to find the nation's honest cities once again, but this year, someone actually stole money during the tea company's social experiment.

The test is called the National Honesty Index and the idea is to see whether people who pass by a booth of Honest Tea drinks will pay $1 for the drink while no one is looking — or whether they will just take the drink for free.

However, for the first time in National Honesty Index history, someone stole the money collection box. Honest Tea does note that no one was arrested for the theft, which took place in Washington, D.C. Though someone was rude enough to do that in our nation's capital, the least honest city was Providence, Rhode Island, for the second year in a row.

This year, the experiment was conducted in 27 cities. The top five most honest cities were Atlanta, Indianapolis, San Diego, Philadelphia, and Houston. The average percentage of honest people in each city was 94 percent.

Honest Tea also noted that women were more honest than men, and that brunettes were the most honest.