Do All Our Kitchen Gadgets Really Need To Be Connected To The Internet?

It wasn't too long ago when the only device connected to the Internet was the desktop computer, and it ran (very slowly) on dial-up. But those days are long gone, and now it seems like every device and gadget we own has an app and a Bluetooth connection, whether we need it or not.The New York Times recently analyzed this phenomenon, listing Internet-connected lightbulbs, toothbrushes, air conditioners, and even at-home breweries. As the article asks, just because you can do something, does that mean you should?

The PicoBrew Zymatic, for instance, allows you to brew your own beer through Wi-Fi. You connect your device to the Internet, select a desired beer recipe from the app, and then PicoBrew will take over for you from there. It's pretty simple — and just one of the many ways that our gadgets have become automated and connected. You can monitor the temperature and progress of your brew on the app or on your account on PicoBrew's website, and even share your own recipe with others via the device's social media capabilities.

Pretty soon we may even have Bluetooth-connected toasters... oh, wait, we already do. The future is here, folks — and it has perfectly brewed beer and crispy bread.