Make Your Summer Fruits Clean And Safe For Your Kids

Real-world people shop at supermarkets, and real-world people purchase affordable fruits and vegetables that contain pesticide residues. Not everybody can buy pricey organic foods—foods grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or GMOs, that are commonly found in non-organic foods.

Many fruits and vegetables sold in the United States today are treated with pesticides to prolong their shelf life. Residues from these potentially harmful chemicals often remain on the surfaces of many fruits and vegetables (not to mention, bacteria from transportation). Consumers unknowingly devour these products without a simple rinse and injest these chemicals.

Rinsing all produce thoroughly before eating is always a good idea, but many pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, are trapped under a wax coating that resists a successful water wash. To break that wax layer and rid of bacteria, soak your non-organic fruit and vegetables in a vinegar mixture.

The FarmersPal's Facebook page advises to fill your sink with water and add 1 cup of vinegar and stir. Soak your produce in the water-vinegar solution for 10-20 minutes. After soaking, the water will be dirty, and your fruit and vegetables will be similar to the cleanliness of an organic product. Also, doing this to strawberries and berries keep them from molding and extend their edible life! 

You have enough to worry about with your kids being exposed to germs everyday—cross dirty vegetables and fruits off of the list!

Cheers to healthy living!