5 Quotes For The Perfect Thanksgiving Slideshow

Funny Blessing

"May your stuffing be tasty. 
May your turkey plump. 
May your potatoes and gravy 
Have nary a lump. 
May your yams be delicious 
And your pies take the prize. 
And may your Thanksgiving dinner 
Stay off your thighs." 

— Author Unknown

Family-Centered Blessing

"God help us to be grateful for our blessings, 
never to be guilty of the sin of ingratitude, 
and to instill this same gratitude 
into the lives of our children." 

— Ezra Taft Benson

A Blessing for Appreciating Life's Beauty

"Never lose an opportunity 
Of seeing anything that is beautiful. 
For beauty is God's handwriting - 
A wayside sacrament. 
Welcome it in every fair face, 
In every fair sky, 
In every fair flower, 
And thank God for it 
As a cup of blessing."

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Blessing for Reflecting on the Present

"Reflect on your present blessings,
Of which every man has many,
Not on your past misfortunes,
Of which all men have some."

— Charles Dickens

Classic Blessing

Have everyone at the dinner table go around and say one thing they're grateful for this Thanksgiving. This toast is simple yet effective and will have everyone remembering why they are gathered together in the first place!