18 Weight-Loss Tips From Around The World

Exercise and nutrition seem to be at the forefront of many Americans' minds. With Instagram accounts dedicated solely to healthy eating and individuals' fitness journeys and healthy meal prep practices increasing in popularity, it's becoming cool to be fit and to eat healthily. On the whole, however, the United States is still in pretty bad collective shape. The American "weigh" is failing, with more than one-third of American adults are categorized as obese. Despite fitness trends and more mindful eating, obesity remains a major issue here at home. We're not alone, however. While the U.S. does indeed rank poorly in terms of its percentage of overweight citizens, it's not the only country dealing with weight issues.

Click here for the 18 Weight-Loss Diet Tips From Around the World slideshow.

Globally, it's reported that over a billion people are overweight, with 600 million of them classifyed as obese. That said, not everyone views obesity as a negative thing. An American's definition of "overweight" may be viewed as healthy in Fiji. Cultures vary, views on nutrition vary, and weight-loss techniques vary. Diets around the world take many different shapes and forms. Some are simple, while others are a little more involved. What may seem commonplace in America — for instance, meals whose focal point is meat with vegetables and grains almost an afterthought — may not be the norm elsewhere. In many places, for instance, produce is the main act and meat is just a sideshow.

We may all benefit from seeing how other countries stay happy and healthy through their diets. Being a dietary expat may prove to be a wise move. By incorporating some of the following tips into your nutritional regimen you may find yourself feeling not only cool and worldly but, most importantly, healthy as well.