11 Foods That Put You In A Bad Mood

Bad Mood Foods

It is possible that even when we think we are making healthy choices, we are eating foods that contribute to bad moods. It is important to take into consideration sugars, omega-6 fatty acids, and additives when choosing our meals. Nuts are obviously more nutritious than potato chips, but salted nuts still have high levels of sodium and, in some cases, may contain MSG. Choosing tea over soda during your three o'clock slump at work is more healthful, but if you have already consumed high levels of caffeine that day, black or green tea can contribute to headaches and irritability. As in all dietary choices, it is best to take the time to be informed about what you put into your body, what kinds of ingredients go into what you consume, and how they will affect you. Eat well, stay healthy, and be happy!


Everyone knows that these sugary drinks are not considered healthy, but did you know that the post-soda "crash" can lead to irritability? Sodas contain simple carbs that are absorbed into your bloodstream immediately, giving you a brief energy boost before both your blood sugar and mood plummet.

Bottled Fruit Smoothies and Juices

Many people reach for bottled fruit drinks as a healthier option, but you need to check the label on these deceptive drinks. They average about 20 grams of sugar per serving and can cause an energy crash, resulting in a sullen mood, similarly to sodas' negative effects. 

Non-Organic Fruits and Veggies

Neurotoxins are chemicals that can damage the nervous system and brain, leading to depression, mood changes, and other kinds of brain damage. According to the Pesticide Action Network, some neurotoxins can be traced to some pesticides used on the foods we consume. Buying organic fruits and vegetables can help decrease the likelihood that you'll consume neurotoxic pesticides.

Salted Nuts

Packaged salted nuts contain extremely high levels of sodium and may also even have questionable additives, such as MSG. Consumption can lead to side effects like mood swings, anxiety, and headaches in those with sensitivities to these additives.

Agave Nectar

A major selling point of agave nectar is that it does not raise blood sugar, but it does contain high levels of fructose. Consumption of fructose can lead to weight gain, as well as increased risk of depression and mood disorders.

Deli Meats

Deli meats are often made up of cheap cuts of animals that are not fed natural, healthful diets. They are also injected with nitrates, dyes, and other preservatives that can be linked to side effects like migraines, mood disorders, and increased risk of depression.

Egg Whites

The Harvard School of Public Health says that eggs are making a comeback. Many choose egg whites in an attempt to opt for the healthier version, but without the yolk, this brain food loses most of its nutritional value. Don't forgo the yolk, or you'll miss out on miss out on the mood regulation and energy boost that eggs can provide.

Potato Chips

Much like soda, no one is reaching for potato chips and thinking that they're healthy, but shouldn't your guilty pleasure at least put you in a good mood? Chips are fried in oil full of omega-6 fatty acids, which block the mood enhancers found in omega-3s and can bring down your happiness quotient.

Canned Soup

Canned soups contain some of the highest levels of bisphenol-A (or BPA) on the market. This chemical is linked to disorders such as depression and anxiety. When it comes to soup, choose other kinds of packaging over cans, as they can lead to large spikes in BPA levels.

Soy Yogurt

Another "healthier" alternative, soy yogurt packs higher levels of omega-6 fatty acids than its full-fat, dairy yogurt counterpart. These omega-6s undo all the mood-boosting goodness of omega-3s found in your diet.